Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I fell off the de-cluttering wagon

I was not successful in getting rid of anything in April or May.  Here come the excuses.  My husband started a new job which means that he is not home to deal with dinner, laundry and all the incidental things that come up.  We have had to adjust our household routine for this new schedule.  Consequently de-cluttering has been pushed to the back burner.  In my defense, I will say that I’ve already gotten rid of 278 items in the first three months of 2011.  I am way ahead so I can justify a small break.  Actually, I can justify just about anything which is how I got into this cluttered mess to begin with.

I will get back on track from now until mid-June because we are gearing up for an early summer multi-family yard sale.  Generally when I am done with something I set it aside for a trip to the consignment store or to be donated.  I try to get it out of the house as quickly as possible.  Recently I have been stockpiling stuff for the potential yard sale.  The problem is that I’m running out of space for stockpiling.  One way or another, this stuff is leaving my house.  It’s either going to bring a buck at the yard sale or its going straight to Goodwill on the same day.  June will be a catch up from April and May.